Khairete! Salvete! Mabuhay!
My name is Aldrin and I am writing to you on the 8th of November, 7 days before the new moon. I dedicate this space for any and all musings I might and will have as I walk the
Dedicant Path, serving also the purpose of documentation for the group. A recent addition to the
Ár nDraíocht Féin (ADF) fold, I am also a member of
Neos Alexandria, and the
Hellenic Polytheistic Community on Facebook. Amongst many others.
This is me checking out our first shoots of rice. |
To tell you a little more about myself: I was born and raised in the Philippines, just south of Manila. Like the very country I live in, I am an ethno-religious hotchpotch myself (an
inoscule to be tree-ish about it), having ancestors from both ends of the world. Baptised and educated Roman Catholic, I now consider myself primarily Graeco-Roman (or is it Romano-Hellene?) in religious orientation. Luckily, I already am all sorts of Mediterranean-ish, so not much cultural shifting there. Still, I maintain a liberal interest in other pre-christian, polytheistic cultures.
Reading-wise, I am currently enjoying Ceisiwr Serith's "Deep Ancestors" and Jennifer Hunter's "Magical Judaism". But, other than those two and the amazing mythology books I have, I am rather poor on religion, mainly because publications on modern polytheism are quite difficult to find here and because ordering them online can sometimes take for ever. Oh well, thank Hermês for the Internet.
When things get better, I plan to add the books of Jeremiah H. Lewis (Sannion), Isaac Bonewits, and Tess Dawson to my collection.
I also dance, write, paint, bake, and speak in tongues.