Monday, 31 December 2012
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Solstice Morn on the 22nd Floor
Whilst I was happy to spend Solstice Eve at home with my family, I had to spend the night at work. You really can't have your heathen cake and eat it two when a festival falls on a working day.
But, as you can see, it wasn't so bad. My friend and I said our prayers to the reborn sun beside my window, an hour before heading home for the super awesome 4 day weekend. Nothing fancy, though. Not even something that resembles a basic ritus. No pictures, no fire, no incense. Just us and the rising sun, and our hymns of praise. Well, I reckon if you want to praise a physical celestial being, that's all you really need. Hail the newborn Sun! He... she... ze was spectacular.
Friday, 21 December 2012
For tonight, the old sun-wheel sets. For tomorrow, a new one is reborn.

Holiday posts coming soon! I'm having a 9-day week off of work. WOOOHOO!

Holiday posts coming soon! I'm having a 9-day week off of work. WOOOHOO!
Monday, 10 December 2012
A Syncretic Advent
Yes, I'm celebrating Advent. Of course, by Advent I don't mean the Christian one but my own. Actually, I think it's more accurate to say not the purely Christian Advent nor the pre-Christian one, but the joining of both. A syncretic Advent. After all, to go back to the ways of my ancestors and bring them into the current age, I must cross hundreds of years of Christianity. Surely, some original Christian traditions have crept into our modern Paganisms, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.
In our family's cultus (which includes Catholic traditions for some of us), I have retained the lighting of 4 Advent candles to herald the coming of the Saviour (which could be Christ's birth or Dionysos' rule, depending on who you ask in our family), and a 5th white candle to mark the rebirth of the Unconquerable Sun.
In our family's cultus (which includes Catholic traditions for some of us), I have retained the lighting of 4 Advent candles to herald the coming of the Saviour (which could be Christ's birth or Dionysos' rule, depending on who you ask in our family), and a 5th white candle to mark the rebirth of the Unconquerable Sun.
In addition, I have made it into a tradition to hang symbolic gifts on the Holiday Tree every week of Advent. On the 1st Sunday, I hung 12 candy canes to represent the 12 months of the year; and this Sunday, I perched 2 ornamental birds to represent the Sun's companions, Dawn and Dusk.
What will I hang on the 3rd Sunday? We'll all have to wait and see.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Romans, Greeks, and Names
Am I Graeco-Roman or Romano-Hellene? When is one a Hellenised Roman and when a Romanised Hellene? Or does Roman, in itself, suffice? Or perhaps Philhellene?
Trivial perhaps, but I have found these questions fundamental to my identity as amultiracial polyethnic polytheist. Your help will be appreciated to figure what the heck I am or what to call myself.
Trivial perhaps, but I have found these questions fundamental to my identity as a
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Trees Are Awesome Beings
Having lived in the tropics for 26 years, I had never seen real Douglas Fir in my life before this tree! (We do have pine in the highlands, though.)
I really, really love trees. But, beautiful as they are, would you find it more "eco-friendly" to buy a synthetic tree than to cut down a real one for the holidays?
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Trees, Traditions, and Snowless Cold Weather
Surprise, surprise, it's that time of the year again when I feel a little more Germanic than I usually do: Yule!
It's a day after the nones or 9th day of the month, and we're nearly finished in decorating our Holiday Tree. If you think it's a little too early for Christmas, I'd have you know that Filipinos are total Whos. Christmastide lasts from September to January in most of the country. Talk about Christmas creep.
It's a day after the nones or 9th day of the month, and we're nearly finished in decorating our Holiday Tree. If you think it's a little too early for Christmas, I'd have you know that Filipinos are total Whos. Christmastide lasts from September to January in most of the country. Talk about Christmas creep.
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Holiday lights in Ayala Triangle Park, Makati City |
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The lights at night |
You should see them in action.
My family, however, is a little conservative in this regard. Christmastide should, at least, begin after the annual ancestral rites. I reckon it a little odd to put up lights and wreaths and divine baby figurines alongside candles and offerings to the Dead. A time for everything, as they say.
And, that time has come (whobilation!) as we officially started welcoming Winter (which is really just mildly cold weather here) on the first new moon after All Souls (which also happens to be the time when the cold northeast winds replace the warm southwest monsoon). By this time, almost everybody's got their decor up, anyway.
Of course, I'm willing to bet my left arm that 99% of the locals who put up trees and wreaths here have no idea what they're supposed to mean. There weren't any holiday trees before the American colonists came, and even when they came over, nobody ever thought about what it was for. (In all fairness, though, I don't think most of the colonists knew about its significance, either.)
And, whilst it's unlikely that the ancient Romans and Greeks put up 'commemorative trees' to honour the pan-European axis mundi, I see no reason why we - as modern pagans - can't, especially if it means something to us. In my case, as one who has a couple of German ancestors, has had the Holiday Tree as a family tradition for generations, and as one who generally likes trees and December holidays, it feels very, very appropriate.
Of course, I'm willing to bet my left arm that 99% of the locals who put up trees and wreaths here have no idea what they're supposed to mean. There weren't any holiday trees before the American colonists came, and even when they came over, nobody ever thought about what it was for. (In all fairness, though, I don't think most of the colonists knew about its significance, either.)
And, whilst it's unlikely that the ancient Romans and Greeks put up 'commemorative trees' to honour the pan-European axis mundi, I see no reason why we - as modern pagans - can't, especially if it means something to us. In my case, as one who has a couple of German ancestors, has had the Holiday Tree as a family tradition for generations, and as one who generally likes trees and December holidays, it feels very, very appropriate.
Our Holiday Tree
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It's not real, but we treat it as if it were a real tree |
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After 10 months of slumber, it gets bathed and is crowned with a golden bough |
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It is adorned with flowers and sheaves of grain |
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It is showered with spices and aromatic herbs |
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Because this tree is not just any tree |
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Katallageia and Hermaia
Before I post pictures of last night's Noumênia rites, let me share two modern Greek festivals that are happening tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Quoting the calendar of Neos Alexandria:
Quoting the calendar of Neos Alexandria:
Hermaia EriouniaThis modern Greek festival occurs on 4 Audenaios (the Makedonian equivalent of Maimakteriôn).
Festival of Hermes as Luck-bringer - games, role-reversal, gambling. Sacrifices for good luck for the coming year.
Katallageia ("Reconciliation")This modern Greek festival occurs on 5-6 Audenaios.
This festival celebrates the resolution of the antagonism between Hephaistos and his mother Hera. On the first day Hephaistos is banished from Olympos. His image is concealed and all fires are extinguished and technology avoided, since this is what the world would be like without the god. No lights are permitted to be lit, whether lamps or electric ones. All food consumed on this day must be eaten raw, without the benefit of fire. Avoid television, radio, internet, or other electrical devices unless your job depends on these and if possible walk to work. Spend the day in gloomy meditation, thinking about all the ways that the Smith god impacts our lives, and how horrible it would be without him. Then around midnight bring the image of Hephaistos out of hiding: present him before the image of Hera and pour out bowls of wine since Dionysos is the one who facilitated their reconciliation. Turn on all the lights in your home and celebrate the joyous return of Hephaistos with offerings to him, Dionysos, and Hera.
Friday, 16 November 2012
Pre-Noumênia Planning
- Me, sleeping at this very instant
- Waking at around 4 or 5 this afternoon to clean the Household Shrine and other 'vital' parts of the house my mother forgot to clean (she usually just cleans the floors downstairs)
- Mother should be buying grapes or other fruits in season
- Taking out the old offerings to be burnt before sundown
- Bathing in absolute silence, no words to be uttered until the first prayer is recited
- Lightning the shrine flame for the first time in the new month with prayers to Hestia at around 7 in the evening - the flame has to be fed with butter or oil
- Carefully performing the initial rites to open the new month, prayers to Hestia, Apollôn Noumenios, and the Moon (second part to follow at first light)
- Doing whatever, eating a full meal, having fun with family, getting some sleep
- Waking up at around 5 in the morning to prepare the first offerings for the new month
- Cleaning the hearth-stove and kitchen (very, very important) - this is where we prepare and cook our food
- Cleaning the threshold and the doorstep (also very important) - this is where we pass through and where gods enter to bless us
- Again, bathing in absolute silence, no words to be uttered until the first prayer is recited
- Lighting the hearth-stove with the shrine flame (linking the two fires, making them one) at around 7 in the morning
- Carefully performing the second part of the rites to open the new month, prayers to the Earth-mother, Janurmes (that's Hermês + Janus LOLOL), Dawn, and the Household Gods (Zeus, Hêra, and the Agathodaimôn on top)
- First offerings ("first fruits") set at the House Shrine to "feed" the new month
- All is set, enjoy the rest of the month
Thursday, 15 November 2012
New Moons on Busy Weekdays
Okay, one last thing before I sleep.
Tonight is when the moon makes its first appearance in the night sky, marking the beginning of a new month. It is the first evening (as we begin our days at sundown) in the lunar month of Maimakteriôn (Μαιμακτεριών), 5th in the old Athenian calendar. With work in the way, it's only realistic to predict that I won't be able to perform the traditional rites to start the new month for my household on the exact date of the new moon. It's almost past noon and I should be sleeping now (ideally, I should be sleeping at 10 and waking up at 6). As much as I take my cultus seriously, health is also an important part of my devotion to the Gods. I need my beauty sleep.
But, worry not, as new moons have happened on busy weekdays before, I have decided to perform the opening ceremony tomorrow evening, instead. I'm sure the Household Gods wouldn't mind resting for another day.
I promise to sleep earlier tomorrow as it's going be a Noumênia + Agathos Daimôn combo! But hey, if you're already celebrating tonight, have a Kala Noumênia!
I promise to sleep earlier tomorrow as it's going be a Noumênia + Agathos Daimôn combo! But hey, if you're already celebrating tonight, have a Kala Noumênia!
Saints, Souls, and Apples
Okay, so I just got home from a 14 hour work-day (4 hours of which is travel time from my town to the big city). Exhausting, as usual, but I don't dread it a bit. It's a good paying job, it helps people, and I'm surrounded by a bunch of amazing individuals.
As promised, here's what went on during our super extended "All Hallows", when the Veil is thinnest, when the spirits of our departed -- according to our belief -- are granted free passes into our world as our honoured guests.
As promised, here's what went on during our super extended "All Hallows", when the Veil is thinnest, when the spirits of our departed -- according to our belief -- are granted free passes into our world as our honoured guests.
Why, I decided to make it a long holiday to bridge the two calendars (civic and lunar) was because I didn't feel comfortable choosing which to follow with regard to such a large and important event. If I had chosen the lunar date, I would've missed out on a large communal event. If I had chosen the civic date, then what am I celebrating the cycles of the moon for? So, I chose both. ANYWAY.
First Night of Remembering: 31 October / 16 Pyanepsion, night after the full moon
First Night of Remembering: 31 October / 16 Pyanepsion, night after the full moon
- Sunset, baked lots of apple pie (apples being the fruit traditionally associated with the Otherworld) and some dark bread, watched Hocus Pocus (a Halloween tradition for me and my late Dad for the past 19 years)
- Evening, covered the upper and middle portion of the Household Shrine dedicated to the Olympioi and Lares to make way for a 3-day ancestral memorial, offered apples and dark bread to the Ancestors at the House Shrine
- Laid out a candle by the door to burn through the night as a guide to visiting ancestors and for other departed loved ones to find their way to their families
- Last day of work before a long 4-day weekend (WOOHOO!) as All Saints and All Souls are national holidays here
- Shared some of my Apfelkuchen with office folks
Second Night of Remembering: 1 November / 17 Pyanepsion
Third Night of Remembering: 2 November / 18 Pyanepsion
3 November / 19 Pyanepsion
4 November / 20 Pyanepsion, 10 days before the new moon
The Last Night, when the old meets the new: 14 November / 29 Pyanepsion, last day of the lunar month
Last day before the rise of the New Moon, the Veil closes
And, because I'm totally OC, here's what didn't happen but could've:
- Daytime, visited the Houses of the Dead with my family (as did the rest of the country), party time for our Beloved Dead
- Evening, offered grain and honey to the Ancestors at the House Shrine
- More apple pie and candles by the doorstep
Third Night of Remembering: 2 November / 18 Pyanepsion
- Morning, visited the Houses of the Dead, poured milk and beer for the Ancestors by their tombs, and offered honey to the Pathfinders (Hermês and Hekatê as guides of the Dead) along the way to and from the cemetery
- Sunset, started a sacrificial fire and offered beer, grain, and milk by the fields for our ancestors tracing "back to the beginning", made the little paperboats with their names prior to the rite
- You guessed right, more apple pie for friends and family and candles by the doorstep for ghostly guests
- Midnight, old offerings to the Ancestors and Household Gods were buried outside
- Morning, cleaned the house, opened the House Shrine, and new offerings of grain to the Ancestors and the Household Gods
- Between this time and the last night of the lunar month was decided to be the liminal period where daily offerings and prayers to the Household Gods may resume before the annual ancestral memorial officially comes to an end (at the end of the lunar month)
- Celebrated the first harvest of rice (the country's staple grain), honours to Dêmêtêr, Korê, and Dionysos as Gods of the land's fertility
- Roughly the same time as the third and last harvest for our kinsmen in the Northern Atlantic, right before Jack Frost returns
7 November / 23 Pyanepsion, astrological date of the November Feast
- My first High Day as a dedicant and the birth of this blog
- Cooler days and nights begin as Amihan (the northeast wind) takes her place as Queen over the exiting King Habagat (the southwest wind)
- Covered the upper and middle portions of the House Shrine again, leaving the lower part open for the Ancestors and the Khthonioi
- Honours to Hekatê and Hermês as guides of souls and as gods of the in-between, the traditional deipnon (dinner) for Hekatê laid out by the Household Shrine
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Hekatê and Hermanubis |
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I forgot to add the garlic and roots |
- Annual honours to Plouto and Persephonê as King and Queen of the lands below and of Haidês, Land of the Dead, wishing the Ancestors and our Beloved Dead a blessed and prosperous afterlife
- Honours to Hermês for a swift and safe passage for our Dearly Departed as they return (free passes expire today as the annual ancestral partay ends)
- Offerings of boiled rice and beans for the Ancestors as a parting gift (photo to follow as this will happen later)
And, because I'm totally OC, here's what didn't happen but could've:
- Offering of an apple for the Dead and sharing of a pomegranate for the Living on the last night (idea from Ceisiwr's Samhain ritual) - I forgot to buy a pomegranate! Do you think an orange would've went just as well?
- A soft prayer to ackowledge Death, our Coverer, and an apotropaic offering to send him away for another year
So, there. As I'm bad with endings, I'll leave you all for now. Wish me sweet dreams!
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